Farmingdale Dog & Cat Clinic

Preventative Care

Preventative care is an essential part of your pet’s ongoing health— after all, it’s better to prevent illness or injury than to try and treat it. That’s why we recommend a full regimen of preventative care, from wellness examinations and vaccines to parasite prevention, nutrition and weight management, and even behavior counseling.


Farmingdale Dog  & Cat Clinic - Preventative Care

A wellness exam is our first glimpse into your pet’s overall health. Every wellness exam we perform at Farmingdale Dog & Cat Clinic is comprehensive and checks every area of your pet’s body from nose to tail. Once we examine your pet, we’ll be able to make important decisions regarding vaccines, dental care, parasite control, and much more. If any abnormalities are detected, further testing may be recommended.

This is also an opportune time for you to ask our experienced doctors any questions you may have about your pet’s health and wellbeing. We’re here to help you be the best pet parent for your furry family member! After all, a large part of the preventive care your pet receives during his or her life is at-home in between visits to Farmingdale Dog & Cat Clinic. Please never hesitate to reach out to us for advice or educational resources.


Preventive care and vaccines go hand-in-hand. There are lots of life-threatening conditions out there that vaccines can now effectively prevent in our pets. When you bring your pet in for a visit, be sure to bring any medical records you have so we can guarantee your pet has all the protection they need. At Farmingdale Dog & Cat Clinic, we use recombinant DNA vaccines. These are the safest and most effective vaccines available for pets today.

Certain vaccines are considered core vaccines and are strongly recommended for all pets. Still, we understand that all pets are unique and we never want to over-vaccinate. We will thoroughly assess your pet’s health status, lifestyle and risk of exposure to determine which non-core vaccines are needed to keep them healthy.

Core Vaccines for Dogs

  • Rabies vaccination is required by the state of New York for all dogs to prevent a seriously fatal and contagious viral infection.
  • DAPP is a combination vaccination that protects against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza. A large majority of dogs will be exposed to these deadly conditions during their lifetime so vaccination is a must.
  • Leptospirosis vaccination protects dogs against highly contagious bacteria that is easily spread between dogs, humans, and wildlife. Symptoms of infection include vomiting, fever, and liver or kidney failure. In some cases, this condition is fatal.

Core Vaccines for Cats

  • Rabies vaccination is required by the state of New York for all cats to prevent a seriously fatal and contagious viral infection.
  • FVRCP vaccination protects your cat from three life-threatening airborne viruses including feline distemper, feline calicivirus, and rhinotracheitis. 

Non-Core Vaccines for Dogs

  • Lyme vaccinations are recommended to prevent tick-borne illnesses. Symptoms of Lyme disease include lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, and lameness.
  • Bordetella vaccination prevents kennel cough which is caused by a contagious viral and bacterial infection. This vaccine is highly recommended, if not required, of dogs who are frequently around other dogs in boarding facilities, grooming, or professional showings.

Non-Core Vaccines for Cats

  • FeLV vaccination protects against feline Leukemia. This disease is chronic and often shows no symptoms until progression is severe. We typically recommend this vaccine in multi-cat households and for outdoor cats.

Parasite Control

There are lots of pests out there that can keep your pet from being healthy. That’s why it is important to control parasites year-round! While internal and external parasites are more prevalent during warmer months, they can inflict your pet during any season.

Fleas and Ticks cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. These external parasites put your pet at risk for conditions such as Lyme disease, Bartonella, dermatitis, tapeworm, anemia, ehrlichiosis, and in severe cases, death. Check your pet for fleas and ticks during regular grooming and after being in high-risk areas such as the woods and humid climates.

Heartworms are spread by mosquitos and infest your pet’s bloodstream, heart, and lungs, and can grow over a foot long. This results in irreversible damage to vital bodily systems. Annual testing is encouraged as symptoms oftentimes do not appear until stages are severe and deadly. Annual testing is encouraged as symptoms oftentimes do not appear until later stages, and at that point can be severe and deadly.

Intestinal Parasites pose a great risk to your pets and are transmissible to you and your family. For this reason, we recommend fecal testing once or twice a year. This ensures your pet is safe from roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, and tapeworm.

Giardia is a microscopic single-celled organism that lives in the intestines. These parasites are transmitted through water that has been contaminated with feces. To prevent giardia infection, clean up pet waste right away and make sure your pet always has fresh, clean water. Signs of giardia in pets include diarrhea, weight loss, vomiting, and even death.

Coccidia are transmitted through contaminated dirt and feces. These protozoan parasites live in the intestines and are a serious risk to puppies and kittens. The most common symptom is diarrhea, which may be bloody.

The surest way to keep your pet protected is with parasite preventives. These medications come in a wide-variety of forms so you can choose which option is most convenient for you and most beneficial for your pet. For instance, some pet owners may prefer chewable tablets while others prefer topical preparations. We recommend marking your calendars monthly! This way your pet will never miss a dose and receive continuous, uninterrupted protection.

We recommend fecal tests every six months. This will ensure your pet is not only parasite-free, but also on a prevention plan that is best for them and your lifestyle.


Proper identification makes all of the difference for lost pets. For complete protection, we highly encourage collars, ID tags, and microchips. While collars and ID tags are not foolproof, any form of identification helps your pet find their way home in case of an accident. At Farmingdale Dog & Cat Clinic, we believe all pets should have microchips—even indoor pets!

There is no harm in microchipping your pet. Microchips are implanted between the shoulder blades with a quick injection that’s similar to a routine vaccination. This way, if your pet is lost and brought to an animal shelter, animal rescue, or veterinary facility, their microchip can be scanned and your contact information will be revealed.

Be sure to register your pet’s microchip with your contact information! Without this important information, a found pet may be unable to find their way back to you.

Nutrition & Weight Management

The number of overweight and obese pets in the United States is on the rise. This is a result of overfeeding and nutritional pitfalls. Our doctors make nutritional recommendations for your pet based on age, gender, weight, breed, and health status. We can also provide nutritional counseling for pets with nutritional challenges such as food allergies, obesity, liver disease, renal failure, bladder and kidney stones, and more.

Behavior Counseling

The doctors at Farmingdale Dog & Cat Clinic are trained to offer effective advice and solutions for behavioral problems. It is especially important to address behavioral issues early as they may be influenced by or lead to health concerns.

Please do not give up on a pet due to a behavioral issue. Behavioral modification is possible.

Join the Farmingdale Dog & Cat Clinic Family Today!

Located off of NY-110 (Broadhollow Rd) between Cedar Ave and Birch Ave E.

Phone: 631-694-5454

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For additional appointment times and services, please visit our sister facility Levittown Animal Hospital!